You know what’s neat about photographs? They’re the perfect memory. The exact moment, thought, feeling, captured perfectly. Photographs are evidence of the tiniest changes in life. A slightly slender face and slowly growing hair. Proof of your happiest moments and proudest achievements. Our memory is not like a photograph, there are missing parts. About seven years ago, I realized I wanted to create those memories for other people. Be part of the biggest and smallest changes in your life and give you a memory you can hold on to forever.
My children are, of course, my favorite subjects. Complete dedication while building a gingerbread house or the look of utter excitement on the first day of school. These are the memories that get fuzzy as the years go by. My daughter’s favorite pink shirt or the look on my son’s face every time he gets to go. on a ride with his dad. I want to keep these memories where I can find them; where they will never change. And I want to help you do the same thing.
I’m Alyssa Kay and these are a few of my favorite things: my two beautiful and incredibly energetic children, my unbelievably hardworking and charming husband, photography, and a good show to binge..
Avid reader, baker, plant mom, coffee drinker, and hopeless romantic.